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DSLR CameraIn the UK the National Health Service classifies Clinical Photography or Medical Photographers, as Medical Illustrators and are a part of the healthcare team. Medical Photographers record the work of healthcare professionals producing objective and accurate images that record the progress of treatment or pre and post surgery results. Medical Photography also produces detailed images of patients' injuries and diseases for use in treatment and education. Clinical Photographer's can be employed in various locations from clinics, operating theatres, post-mortems or occasionally out doors. 

The work can be technically and emotionally demanding when tasked to record difficult images, medico-legal evidence or disturbing injuries. Usually digital cameras are used as opposed to the traditional 35mm film. There is usually no need for additional lighting however the flash used must be adequate and fit for purpose. Clinical Photography can employ a variety of specialist techniques to obtain the various pictures; these can include macro and microphotography, thermal imaging, endoscopy and time-lapse shooting. Medical Photographers may be required to specialise in a subspecialty such as Ophthalmic, Surgical or Pathological photography. 

Human Retina Clinical Photographers must pay attention close to detail, have a meticulous approach to image and data recording and knowledge of the laws relating to confidentiality and copyright. Whatever the status of the clinician, the taking of clinical photographs must be practised within the context of a professional etiquette. Best practice recognises the need for informed consent and the constraints associated with confidentiality.

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